
Ich bin ja ein Mitte-Kind und liebe die Karl-Marx-Allee. Ich habe kürzlich eine kleine Instagram-Serie zum Bauabschnitt 2 zwischen Alexanderplatz und Strausberger Platz gemacht, den ich euch nicht vorenthalten wollte.

Here’s another pic for my #KMAshots. Ever noticed this cute bird house at Bar Babette? Fun Fact: The Plattenbau buildings along KMA come with a perfect symmetry. That’s why the halls of the south buildings come with big windows and a decorating grid (although unnecessary) because on the north buildings the living rooms are located at the same spot (all living rooms to the south side). . . . #citygrammers #architecture #archidaily #archilovers #igarchitecture #iloveberlin #igersberlinofficial #berlintensiv #igberlincity #berlingram #igberlin #igersberlin #berlinbreeze #berlineransichten #unterwegsinberlin #diestadtberlin #gotberlin #visit_berlin #onlyinberlin #berlin #berlinstagram #berlinlove #blnlove #prettylittleberlin #exploreyourcity #exploringberlin #loves_berlin #berlin365

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The Bauabschnitt 2 between Strausberger Platz and #Alexanderplatz is impressively documenting the paradigm shift in urban development in the GDR from „national tradition“ (like the Stalinbauten further down) to „modernity“. An open, spacious and green city was the idea. In addition to the large Plattenbauten and the green areas, buildings with additional uses were built like Café Moskau or the Hotel Berolina.⠀ ⠀ The huge Plattenbauten are kept in white and placed further in the back to make them less bulky and leave more space to the sidewalk. The small cubes further in front are yellow and are intended to draw attention from the Plattenbauten. #KMAshots ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #iloveberlin #igersberlinofficial #berlintensiv #igberlincity #berlingram #igberlin #igersberlin #berlinbreeze #berlineransichten #unterwegsinberlin #diestadtberlin #gotberlin #visit_berlin #onlyinberlin #berlin #berlinstagram #berlinlove #blnlove #prettylittleberlin #exploreyourcity #exploringberlin #loves_berlin #berlin365 #karlmarxallee #thattoweragain #tvtowerberlin #berlinmitte #gdrarchitecture

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The #TVTowerBerlin cannot be missed from the #KarlMarxAllee. ⠀ ⠀ All quarters around here are surrounded by large Plattenbauten with 10 storeys. Whereas most of the buildings in the middle usually have only five storeys. To this end, the facilities such as schools or kindergartens were mostly built into the center of each area, providing the greatest possible protection. #KMAshots ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #iloveberlin #igersberlinofficial #berlintensiv #igberlincity #berlingram #igberlin #igersberlin #berlinbreeze #berlineransichten #unterwegsinberlin #diestadtberlin #gotberlin #visit_berlin #onlyinberlin #berlin #berlinstagram #berlinlove #blnlove #prettylittleberlin exploreyourcity #exploringberlin #loves_berlin #berlin365 #architecture #archidaily #archilovers #igarchitecture

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